Sunday, March 7, 2010

G33K B33R - my new favorite energy drink

I was at my new favorite place in Dallas the other day, which is Xmax Games (see my review), and was a bit parched so I decided to treat myself to an IBC Root Beer, which in my opinion is the best root beer on the market.  The kind gent behind the counter asked me, "Have you ever had a Geek Beer?"

At first I thought he was saying something about me and my Flash tshirt, but then he explained that Geek Beer was a new drink by Bawls and was in his opinion superior to IBC.  Well, that's a bold statement, sire, but I'll take your challenge!  He turned to the fridge, and brought forth a silver can of goodness.

I took my Geek Beer (actually spelled G33K B33R) and went to the nearest computer and promptly got my WoW on.  I had to give the guy credit, this was some pretty damn good root beer, and I ended up drinking the entire thing in one sitting.

And now, as Paul Harvey used to say, is the rest of the story...

There was one tiny little thing about the G33K B33R that I failed to notice...and it's printed in bright orange letters around the top of the can.  "High Caffeine Guarana Root Beer".  It was around 10:30pm at night when I started drinking the can, and I didn't stop drinking till sometime close to midnight.  Thinking nothing of it, I went home and attempted to go to sleep.

The main word there is "attempted."

While caffeinated drinks have, in the past, usually had no effect on me, as I've gotten older I've realized that I can't really drink something with caffeine after 6pm or so...that is, unless I don't want to sleep throughout the night.  Now, this G33K B33R is like an atomic bomb of caffeine, and I proceeded to stare at the ceiling till 6am the next morning.  Since I was up, I decided to finish my book "1632" by Eric Flint, so the night wasn't a total waste.

But in my opinion, G33K B33R is the perfect drink for those wanting to spend their nights battling in Azeroth of rocking out with your cock out on Rock Band.  Too bad it's so damn hard to find, though!

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