Monday, December 8, 2008

ARTIST: Tim Doyle

I can't believe that tylerkeen didn't include our friend Tim Doyle, who is also an artist, and in my opinion, a damn fine one. You can check out his art here at

Tim also does posters for the Alamo Draft House, and his name and his art keep popping up on my favorite movie rumor site, Slash Film.

Not only is Tim an artist, but he's also one of the members of the comics podcast Staple Pop. You can check them out at the link, or on iTunes.

Ok, I'm going to go throw up now, after having to look at this picture for the past five minutes while I write this blog. Ugh.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

MacBreak Weekly Tips

WEEKLY Picks (on TWIT)

I give in...I have not been posting regularly enough and found another website that done this and more. Give it a look and enjoy.

BTW - Goodbye Merlin. We'll miss you. Stay organized.

RECIPE: Oatmeal Wheat Bread

This was bread number two that I baked for Thanksgiving. The focaccia looks so bad and tasted so bland on the corners that I felt propelled to make a second. This pic is not my loaf, but the loaf was so flavorful it looked like this one might have tasted.

I actually think the yeast I used was dead because it failed to foam at all. If it did rise during the proofing and fermenting, it was very little. The bread ended up dense but still had an outstanding flavor and crumb. We ate the majority of the two loaves just through snacking on it. I forgot to tell you it wasn't even done for Thanksgiving lunch..I was a few hours late. Two years in a row that everyone shows up and I am still in my PJ's cooking. I need to cook ahead of time.

I strongly recommend you trying this bread and believe the recipe when it says if the yeast is not foaming in the water, throw it out and start again. ..oh before I forget when I was mixing all of the ingredients I used a mixer instead of mixing on the counter top. Even when I moved the dough to the counter top to knead, it was very moist. I added a bit more flour to tighten it up a bit. I also kneaded it for about 15 mins to get it nice and pliable. I know that is longer than normal but I knew the yeast might be worthless and didn't have extra.

RECIPE: Super easy Focaccia

For those who are afraid of artisan or fancy sounding bread, you HAVE to check out the link above. Teri's Kitchen has a recipe for focaccia that I stumbled across before Thanksgiving. It makes a large flat bread that rises similar to a pizza crust. We ended up baking it on a cookie sheet and then cut it up into small pieces to grab and just snack on. Would have been fabulous to dip in olive oil and pepper. It also would have been a great bread to cut up into sandwich size pieces, sliced in half and made a turkey and swiss or portabella and avocado sandwich.

Sorry no pics for this one. It was Thanksgiving and I was rushed. The bread came out looking like crap anyways because I had the gas stove too hot when I tried softening the garlic. When the oven was done with the bread, the garlic looked burnt. The flavor was fine, just looked like hell.

ARTIST: Lee Setty

Didn't want to leave Lee Setty off the list since I am giving props to all of the artists I know. Check out his page. It is pretty dope and he has some fantastic product art.

I am a bit confused about the shots with the guy in the suit and the shotgun but I would have bet a ton of bucks that Lee was a pacifist. I will have to check with him about that.

Sorry but this is the best pic I could find of him. I would recognize that nose anywhere. Hope you are doing well, Lee. Click here for one of Lee's published pics on the Dallas Observer's blog.

ARTIST: Kevin Todora

Figure while I am at it I will post a link to my friend Kevin Todora's website. He is an artist and photographer. His blog is located here and contains current work and things he is interested in. I have always thought people who have their name in their website domain name are a bit pretentious although I have my nick in mine so what does that say about me?

He has taken shots for my brother's wedding and my sister-in-law's website. I have always enjoyed his work. He seems to take reality and twist it just a little, not to the point where it is inappropriately (IMO) distorted but altered a degree or two. Almost like if an alternate dimension was just a few Hertz out of view like a radio station that needed a little fine tuning. He is able to maintain the beauty of his subjects in his work as well. I also am preferential to installations with variations of a specific work or subject. He works through a similar subject and method often and will put the whole process together as an installation showing either variations of a single subject/method or the evolution he took to get to a certain point.

ARTIST: Stephen Loidolt

Two months have passed since I last posted. Sorry about the delay. Been a bit busy and chose to spend my free time elsewhere.

An old friend of mine works for Urban Outfitters. He is currently featured on the Gifts page. Click above to check out the link. Also check out the blog Somethings Hiding In Here. It is Stevie and wife Shauna's page about their kraftwerk.