Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Since I found Serenity, You can't take the sky from me

About five years ago, I heard about a new show on the Fox network that was supposed to be pretty good. It was a far-out concept...a sci-fi western. Now, I'm a fan of both sci-fi movies and westerns, but this sounded too far fetched for me. Even though I heard great things about it, I never checked it out, and when I finally decided to watch was canceled. After 11 episodes. I thought to myself, it must not have been very good if it was cancelled after only half a season!

Boy, was I wrong. The creator was none other than Joss Whedon, the genius behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, two shows that I really dug. And this was his baby, the project he had always wanted to do, so he put his heart and soul into it. So much, that when his show was cancelled, he told his cast and crew not to worry, he'd find another home.

And a few years later, he did. But not as a TV show. As a full length movie. It's one of the only times in history that a cancelled television show has been brought back as a feature length film.

The show was called Firefly, and if you were a fan of the only 13 episodes in existence, and the film Serenity, then call yourself a Browncoat. I Netflix'd the series to watch while I was stuck at home during Hurricane Ike, and I couldn't stop watching them. So much so, that when I got done, I went to Best Buy and bought the whole thing on DVD (a steal at $34!!!).

It's because of the DVD sales of the series that the movie was greenlit, and that might be the saving grace of the Firefly 'Verse. Fans have really kept this franchise alive, and I for one am glad about it.

The tv show is a really great, really well written show, and it makes you really feel something for the characters. Listening to the commentary during the series, you can see that the crew and cast really liked each other, and thought that they were making something important, which is evident in the product they created. Unfortunately, Firefly was broadcast on the Fox Network, which doesn't allow a show to find its audience, and due to scheduling conflicts, it never found any ratings.

But I think the popularity of sci-fi now was helped along by this little series that could. Shows like Battlestar Galactica might not have gotten made if shows like Firefly hadn't paved the way.

If you're intersted in seeing a great cast, great stories, and a well made tv series and movie about space cowboys, then check out Firefly. Who knows? If you buy enough DVDs, maybe another movie will get made!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mac Tip: Quick Screen Shot and Edit

As a new Mac user I am still struggling to do simple tasks that I took for granted in XP. Here is one that I just figured out trying to add the graphic in my previous post. When you need a quick screen shot and edit, do the following.

1) Open Preview
2) In Preview, go to File, Grab, Window/Selection/Timed Screen. I was interested in a grab of Firefox so I chose Window.
3) A camera appears and the screen goes transparent gray. Click your mouse. The image will then pop up in preview.
4) Go to Tools, Crop, and drag a box over the selection you want. Click Enter and the selection will resize.
5) Go to File, Save As and pic whatever format you prefer.

Simple as can be. A few quick ways to create screenshots are for the entire window: Command - Shift - 3 for the entire window, Command - Control - Shift - 4 for a specific selection. The action creates a file on your desktop. I actually forgot where the file when until a minute ago and realized my original attempt at Command - Shift - 3 was successful. Thankfully Preview is just as easy.

iCal and Google Calendar

I have become a huge fan of Google Calendar due to its shared calendar function. I use Outlook at work for my primary calendar however I had a need to create a personal shared calendar for family and friends and Google Calendar works very well. It is simple and straight forward and shares calendar info very nicely. I was even successful at helping my folks set it up so they can view my wife's and my calendar.

Now that I have a Mac, I have the option of using iCal. I have not delved into it much but hear it is a very solid calendar app. I recently found the need to try syncing iCal with Google Calendar. I did a bit of searching and found this page that gives a very thorough set of directions to sync the two calendars. This is only a one-way sync through iCal downloading Google Calendar's info. The cool part is that I could d/l multiple calendars that I have control over and iCal displays them very similarly to Google Cal.

One problem: it is a one-way sync. That is where I found a link to SpanningSync.
Specs for Spanning Sync v2.0:

* Contact syncing! Spanning Sync now syncs Address Book with Google contacts.
* Contact photo syncing!
* Trickle syncing! Changes in iCal and Address Book are automatically pushed to Google as they're made.
* Improved, easier-to-use preference pane UI.
* Dramatically improved network performance.
* Improved support for syncing huge (10,000+ events) calendars
* Improved support for syncing large numbers of contacts
* Improved support for multi-Mac configurations.
* Improved compatibility with MobileMe.
* New user-friendly log window for troubleshooting or checking status.
* Improvements to the "create troubleshooting report" system.
* Tons of other bug fixes and improvements.

Looks like a highly regarded option for MobileMe type syncing. They even claim (and are supported by testimonials) that it syncs between Macs and the iPhone. I am not ready yet to d/l the shareware since I don't have multiple Macs or an iPhone but have a friend that may try it out for me. I update this post if I get a chance to look it over.

So far I am pleased with the one-way sync and am glad for Google's willingness to sync up with others software. Now on to try Google Docs.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

UPDATE: AAdvantage Challenge

I have been traveling quite a bit lately and stumbled across this website recently in my research of collecting AAdvantage miles when flying American Airlines (Let me first start and say that I am not a huge fan of American Airlines anymore but I have to fly a lot and I tend to end up on their flights. Alaska Airlines, a OneWorld partner of American, however is a fantastic airline).

I won't go into detail since FewMiles did such a great job of it. My personal experience so far:
Call AA, asked if a Gold Elite Challenge was still available. The always helpful and friendly AAdvantage staff member stated yes and read me the basic rules. She also emailed me a copy as well. I have 90 days to get 5000 qualifying points and if successful will get Gold Elite on American up to February 2010! Not bad. It shouldn't be too tough and almost wish I would have tried the Platinum Elite Challenge. Need to start small first. I will let you know how this goes if I am successful.

UPDATE: Not that time has passed and I have been traveling way too much, I have reached the 5K mile mark and blew past it. Holy crap...I should have done the Exec. Plat. Challenge. Oh well. No crying over spilled milk. I should buck up and be pleased I get two free bags to check and get to board with Group 1. I am about to break the 50K qualifying mile mark and will be Platinum shortly. Flying back and forth from two huge business cities has not allowed me to take advantage of the upgrade perks but hopefully with Platinum I can get a few upgrades here and there.

If you know for a fact you will be traveling 10K miles in 3 months then do the Plat challenge. It is simple and you will appreciate it for the next year and change.

MacBreak Weekly Episode 101 Picks

  • chopper, 2 across, toybot diaries (iphone games)
  • phoneview (allows you grab stuff off of your ihpone (except music), grab call logs, sms messages, notes)
alex lindsey

MacBreak Weekly Episode 100 Picks

merlin mann
Andy Inahtko
  • savebenji's (iphone app that lets you search for products via barcode, name, etc to see price comparisons)
  • iwant (iphone app that locates places near you via GPS)
  • onepassword (iphone app password scrambler)

MacBreak Weekly Episode 99 Picks

Arnold Kim
  • dizzybee (iphone game)
  • Aurora Faint! (iphone game)
Andy Inhatko
  • Bloomberg stock app (iphone app)
Merlin Mann

Monday, September 8, 2008

MacBreak Weekly Episode 98 Picks

Merlin Mann
  • omnifocus (task management app)
  • pandora (internet radio for the computer or iphone)
  • shazam (audio app that can record a music clip from the radio, then determine what song you just heard and give you an option to buy)
Andy Ihnatko
  • ZenBe (to do list manager)
  • midomi (audio iphone and web app that can recognize music like shazam)
  • where! (location based iphone app)
Scott Bourne
  • google iphone app

Quantum Cello

Recently listening to my RadioLab podcast, I was fortunate enough to catch some of Zoe Keating's musical creations. Check out the podcast link here or her web page here. She takes her cello along with a laptop and set of pedals to create's various musical loops. She has two albums out currently via her website or

I downloaded both albums and have listened to most of the tracks. They include any and all sounds that one could make on a cello. As she plays she uses the foot pedal to add and subtract loops to her track, all the while composing a work of art. It is a true mix of old and new music, as she is classically trained but cannot perform her work without a computer near.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

"Spaced" - now on DVD!!!

By now, American audiences should know who Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright are. If you don't, then go to your video store and rent "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz".

Before they got famous here in the States, though, they (along with Nick Frost and the beautiful and talented Jessica Stevenson/Hynes) starred in "Spaced," one of the funniest shows I've ever seen.

There are certain times in my life when I see something that speaks to me. The first time was when I saw "Mallrats" and thought, This is the movie I should have made. Watching "Spaced" gives me that same feeling.

The writing, by Pegg and Stevenson/Hynes, talks to the geek culture that I'm proud to be a part of. There are pop culture references a plenty, but even if you don't get them, you'll still like the show.

The show starts off by introducing Tim (Pegg) and Daisy (Stevenson/Hynes), two twentysomethings who live in London, but find themselves without a place to live. They meet up in a coffee shop, and find an ad for an apartment that would be perfect, except that it's only for a professional couple. So, they pretend to be a couple to get the apartment. The usual hijinks happen when they almost get caught in their lie, and the supporting cast is great.

There's Marsha, their constantly drunk landlady. Brian, their downstairs artistic neighbor. Twist, Daisy's best friend. And Mike, Tim's best friend, played by Simon Pegg's real life best friend (and at the time, NOT an actor) Nick Frost.

The show is hilarious, and it speaks to me, because that was kinda the life I was living at that time, being twenty-something and loving comic books and hating "The Phantom Menace". And Edgar Wright's camerawork is gorgeous, much better than anything on American TV. The show is shot in the style of a horror movie, and it's because of one of these episodes (Episode 1.3 "Art"), that "Shaun of the Dead" got made.

You can get the whole series on DVD now, and I'd recommend doing just that, especially if you've seen the other two movies.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Chrome; UPDATED

I happened to see in the USA Today that Google offered up their beta of the new web browser. I hit the website today and downloaded the app. Fortunately my admin locked laptop let me install it with no worries. The videos on the download page are not terribly helpful but the comic is quite insightful and perfectly Google. I am a fan of many google apps and so far recommend this one as well. It is easy, straightforward, and the autocomplete for search, favorites, recent searches, etc is a very nice feature.

One cool feature is that you can grab the tab and move it around or pull it out and make it a new window. I also like how it makes the address bar yellow/gold when you are on a https page. I travel often and need assurance that I am within a SSH connection. I look forward to when they port this over to the Mac....not sure when that will happen as some of Google's betas stay beta for a long time.

I am pretty sold on Firefox 3 currently, so this version will have to really stand out for me to convert. Hopefully Steve Gibson will verify how robust this app is regarding security and that will make a difference in my browser of choice as well. Curious to see about how this app works with plug-ins, since my Firefox 3 is full of helpful plugins.


First drawback of Chrome: normally runs a lot of doubleclick adds that I never realized until I used Pandora on Chrome. The noscript add on for Firefox always blocked the extraneous double click crap which currently Chrome cannot. I realize Pandora make’s their money on ads, but I don’t want to see them, especially from doubleclick. I realize noscript is necessary since I choose to opt-in to any javascript in Firefox. Maybe Chrome is inherently more stable and secure and won’t let any malicious JavaScript overtake my computer. I still have become very used to controlling my web experience and only allowing the scripting necessary to view the pages I surf to. I enjoy blocking almost all advertising using noscript. BTW – have I stated how much I love noscript lately?

Will have to use firefox for Pandora from now on.

MacBreak Weekly Episode 97 Picks

Merlin Mann
Alex Lindsey
Randall Schwartz

MacBreak Weekly Episode 96 Picks

Jeff Smith
Andy Ihnatko
  • burger king gold card
Scott Bourne
Alex Lindsey