Friday, December 7, 2007

Take a Piss: old friends

Years ago I went on my lunch break from high school and decided to go check on a friend of old friend. One I had known since I was a young lad. Almost known him my entire life...that I can recall at least. A few of us were worried because he hadn't shown up to school that day. Most might think he was just skipping school; however, he is not that kind of guy. At least not on purpose.

We knocked on the door of his home with his red, long, land boat loitered in the drive way. I use the word loiter, because his car didn't just park. It imposed. Nonetheless, he knocked. We wait a few seconds to hear the sound of blinds crackling know the we looked over and see a few fingers pulling the blinds open about where his bed sat. A pair of eyes strained to see out into the sunlight and focus on who was at the door.

It was obvious he overslept. Not sick. Tim didn't get sick. Tim overslept. That was his ailment. Although oversleeping implies a deadline or appointment was missed. I guess technically he missed school that day, however he was not concerned. He was never concerned. He once fell asleep in a bathroom stall for over two hours. It didn't help that he stayed up past 3am most nights, but I don't want to give all of the good stories away so quickly.

A handful of time passed and we shortly heard footsteps come down his long entryway. The lock unlatches, the doorknob turns, and the next seconds of my life are fuzzy. No...not fuzzy. I take that back. Terribly sharp in my mind. The next seconds are burned into my brain as though a photo has been burned into an emulsion. Long to disappear. Maybe to fade over time...but it hasn't started to yet. I cannot wait for those memory cells to take the long walk down a short plank and give up the ghost. ….The door swings open to a rotund, short, slightly hairy, young man sauntering away in his whitey-tighties. His BVDs for goodness sake! You should not see any of your friends in their briefs after age six…maybe seven at a sleep over. Not good. Not good my friends.

Well, we were taken aback and at that point in time realized we had made a poor decision allocating lunch time to track this poor fool down. He shocked us my friends. If we had a bluff to call, he called it. It is not as though we are that good of friends that we just hang out in our underwear. He had punished us for waking him by shocking us. I don’t recall what happened after that because my brain attempted to take a memory dump. Didn’t work….just dumped all else after that moment. I think I lost that entire school year.

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1 comment:

Hunter E said...

Don't deny it, you were aroused.

And who wouldn't be?