Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bye Bye Quick. It was nice not knowing you.

So I heard on the Ticket - KTCK this morning via Gordon Keith of yuck monkey fame, that Quick (the Dallas Morning News and Belo fame) is going away next week.  I need to state that a) I don't read the newspaper, b) I don't read Quick, c) I read the The Observer, d) I don't watch TV news, e) I listen to NPR, and f) Gordon Keith writes for Quick.  Does that last part matter...not really but I figured I would give him some props.

When Quick was first published it was an attempt to capture the younger readers who have grown up with more interweb influence and are not as willing to get ripped off on a regular basis for a significant amount of paper that we normally wouldn't read anyways.  I use "we" as I fall into this generation, this demographic, and am one of these people.  Hence.  I didn't think it was a good idea then and think that people who did pick it up had a very specific need or were bored and needed something to kill time.  I don't recall ever seeing a single friend of mine carrying in their arm, reading at their desk, or telling me about something they saw in it. 

I think the Morning News, who now has a significant pay-wall on their website, needs to attack change in a much more internet savvy fashion.  The newer generations want to see quality writing, shorter stories, and usable content.  I don't have the solution to this quandary.  I just know that I scan news readers, Google News, engadget, wired, and USA Today when I am in a hotel.

Most local news is crap and doesn't impact me on a regular basis.  The old model as I see it was to push that local news and make it seem interesting because there was little access to anything else besides the 6 'o clock world news.  Times have changed.  My phone gives me more access to anything a 20 page rag or 30 minute newscast could ever provide.

I am rambling a bit but it is unfortunate people will lose their job over this.  I am sure Quick offered some value to someone out there who now has to find another source of whatever they used Quick for.  I am not sorry that Belo still hasn't figured out how to push quality news (and get revenue) to/from me.  Good luck with that.

I am pleased it gave Gordo another source of income and gave more Gordo a larger audience base.  He is pure genius

Optical Drive. What's an Optical Drive?

The new Mac Mini doesn't have a optical drive and neither do I.  Well, not on my MacBook Air at least.   It used to be a reasonably powerful computer for the everyday user, AND it had a DVD drive.  Not any more.  
Is this important?  I think so.  I always thought the Mini was a fantastic Mac for new converts.  For purposes of converting Windows users I could always point to the Mini and sing its praises.  People have big, beautiful TVs that they could hook to their Mini to run as a media center.  I have converted two people specifically on this premise...and the Mini meets their needs completely.  It actually meets and exceeds their expectations.  Not many PCs do that at first blush.  

In regards to the value of an optical drive, I say "meh."  My Air hasn't seen a DVD in quite some time and usually only does when a client gives me some DVD I need to use in a pinch.  I do regret Macs never got a Blu-Ray disk player.  I would have liked to have one in the house.  But then again I am not going to pay the price to buy the disks so maybe I am just blowing smoke up your skirt.  

Well.. I cannot argue their vision.  Good luck Apple and good buy Optical Drive.  USB kicked your butt anyways in size and performance anyways.