Monday, May 4, 2009

Interesting discourse from previous CIA operative on release of "torture memos"

1 comment:

Hunter E said...

So...both articles are saying that torture is okay. You know what? I think torture is ALWAYS ok. You can just threaten to torture me, and I'll spill the beans.

Think of all the missing children cases that could be solved if we started waterboarding criminals. Why not? Would they do any worse to us? I wish I had gotten to waterboard the sonnuvabitch who stole my iPod.

Nice to see that Obama is trying to do a little 3 Card Monty with the economic problems. "Hey, don't look over here, there's torture memos that you guys can be looking into." And the media, because they're such big fans of his and got him elected, are playing right into his hands.

Sometimes, I want to kick the liberal left in the balls. Bin Laden is probably high fiving his fellow Al Qaeda members in that cave, wherever he is.