Thursday, August 25, 2011

CONSPIRACY THEORY - Why Verizon is not rushing to update Android phones to Gingerbread and AT&T is

So you have a Droid Charge, like me, and you are wondering why you have not received that wonderful little notification that your phone is ready to download Gingerbread?  I have a theory:
Verizon isn't ready to have a hoard of phones with front facing cameras capable of Skype video or Google Chat.

Verizon is rolling out LTE locations as fast as they can, but the locations they are picking are not always clear to the end user.  Certain markets like Houston and Dallas, TX have LTE but Austin doesn't.  Is this related to why AT&T rolls out hoards of mini-cell towers during South By Southwest?  Too many techies who like to burn through bandwidth?

I realized Verizon is trying to do me a favor.  I do.  I just don't like the fact that I have to wait for them to plan for the oncoming data onslaught.  I guess it makes sense regarding the tiered data rollout that happened in July.  Get the heavy users to subsidize the light users.  Like insurance and welfare.

AT&T's network has been dragging with iPhones for 3+ years now and people still keep buying more iPhones on A&T's network.  AT&T seems to figure revenue is revenue and customer service is second.  Hence Facetime on the iPhone is wi-fi only.  AT&T knows when their LTE network rolls out in the near future, with Gingerbread phones and iPhone 5, they'll be in a nice position to lob some softballs at Verizon via their commercials and marketing.

Come on Verizon.  I'll take a laggy LTE network so I can have some video chat with my family while I am on the road. 

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My new favorite obsession...TOP GEAR!

She will be mine...oh yes, she will be mine!
Some of my favorite tv shows I've discovered on the last few years, I've become a huge Doctor Who fan simply for the fact that it used to come on before Battlestar Galactica on the Sci-Fi Channel, and I'd see advertisements for it on BBC America.  My DVR would catch the last five to ten minutes of the show, and it always seemed really interesting.  Throw in Billie Piper, and I was hooked.

So it's only fitting that I fell in love with my most recent television obsession by catching random episodes of it while DVR'ing Doctor Who on BBC America.  And that show is Top Gear!

Now, I don't come across as a car buff, and really I'm not.  But I used to be.  My early teenage years were spent drooling over Porsches and Lamborgini's, and I can still remember the day I saw my first Dodge Viper.  I was a car nut for about four years, which is how long it took me to get over 10 speeding tickets.  My first car was a 1966 Ford Mustang that my dad and I spent over a year restoring.  By the time I was done paying off lawyers fees, ticket fees, and buying new tires, I was done with my car phase.

But there's still a little bit of me that loves cars, and seeing a really cool car still moves something dormant in my soul.  Which is why I love Top Gear so's nothing but cool cars.  Whether they're racing Lamborginis on a runway, or Ford Raptors in the desert, I want to be right there with them.  One of my favorite parts of the show is when the producers give them a set amount of money to buy a specific car, and then run them through a series of tests.  This is where the hilarity of the show ensues.

The original version of the program, a staple on the BBC for over 20 years, is hosted by Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond.  It's the trio's onscreen antics that really make the show, with the elder statesman Clarkson rolling his eyes at the optimistic and naive Hammond, while the aging hippie May just watches it all and laughs.  You can tell that the three must really get along, to have to spend so much time together.  And the humor borders on blasphemy!  The Christmas episode had the group dropped off in Iraq, to make their way to Bethlehem in Israel.  The only problem...there were a couple of wars between them and the town of Jesus' birth.

Greg Peltz deserves an award

The amazing artistry of Greg Peltz is now on sale at Acme Direct.  Need I say more?