Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How to Remove and Clean your Blackberry Curve Trackball

My Blackberry Curve 8310's trackball got a bit sticky this week so I did some research and found a post on the website about how to fix it. I tried it myself and was fortunately successful. You can click the title above to go to the forum post and/or check out my photos and steps.

PERFORM AT YOUR OWN RISK. Click on the images for a higher res image.

1) Grab something pointy, somewhat rigid, and PLASTIC. You don't want to booger up the plastic around the trackball encasement because if you have to take it back to your wireless provider when it breaks they will know what you have been doing. Try these plastic teeth flossers. They worked for me. The tips bent a bit but were rigid enough for me to work around the edge.

Lightly push the plastic utensil under the plastic cover, and lift slowly. It will pop, and then you can move around to the sides so each additional clasp will release. I lifted it too fast from the bottom and broke one of the four clasps. If the cover lifts a little, the clasp has released. Don't lift it too high until you think all four clasps have released.

Now the trackball housing is exposed. You just need to turn the phone over, tap it on the back, and voila...the housing falls out. Be careful because the parts are tiny!!

You can see where I broke the clasp. It is on the top left side. On the right is the housing with top cover, ball, rollers, and bottom cover. Here is a pic of the inside of the phone. May not hurt to clean off the pick-ups where each roller sits. Actually I really don't know if they are pick-ups, but just so happen to have one in each corner. I cleaned the gold contact (if that is what it is) as well with alcohol and a q-tip. This thing makes q-tips look big and clumsy.

Now you must carefully pry the bottom piece off the housing. Use a pin to lightly pry the metal clips back. The plastic bottom piece will lightly fall away (shown below on the right). Here is a pic to show the exposed housing with rollers and ball.

I removed all of the rollers and the ball and dropped them in alcohol. After sitting for a few minutes, I took a q-tip lightly soaked in alcohol and rubbed the grooves on the rollers clean. I also rubbed on the mini-magnets on the end of the rollers. Don't forget to clean the cup where the ball sits as well. I scrubbed on the ball for a bit but am not sure if it truly got cleaner at all.

I guess the trackball looks a bit more clear in this picture. Not sure why one of the rollers is scraped clean (far left). Maybe that was the culprit of my stickiness before I started?

See the dirty trackball cup on the right? The following picture shows it clean.

The next picture is a close up of the bottom piece. I showed this up close because I tried to attach it upside down and figured I could save you the confusion. Look at the previous picture and note the metal clips around the four sides. Two have 45 degree pieces and two have a whole cut out in them. The white plastic piece below attaches so that the metal spring/cup holds the ball tight.

After you get housing back together just lightly set it in the recess where it came from. Note: Look at the third photo in this post. Notice that one side of the housing has two small extensions and the other side doesn't. Then look at the fourth post. You can see the indentions where the small extensions sit. Don't force the housing back into the recess. It will fall into place when it is set in correctly. After that just lightly push the outer plastic piece into place and you are ready to go! Good luck.


Anonymous said...

Actually, there are only 3 clips on the retaining ring, so you did not brake one off.

Anonymous said...

i just wanted to say thanks...this really did help. ur right tho - it doesnt get the trackball noticeably clean but it moves so much better now! thanks again!!

Jeff said...

Great macro shots of the pieces!

Anonymous said...

Nice photos, thanks!

(The captcha word for my post is 'priables'! What are the chances of that happening by coincidence? :)

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Thanks so much! I just got my phone and I was affraid that I might have to send it back!!! Thanks again!

Editora said...

you saved me, I have to admit that it was a little scary to put the housing and all that stuff back together, but I finally did it and now my trackball runs perfectly.
Thanx so much.

Editora said...
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Rajesh Kothari said...

After removing the plastic ring from 8310 and removing the track-ball assembly from the phone, I noticed little dirt on the phone in the empty space. So, I took cotton cloth soaked it in ethyl alcohol and tried to pick up the dirt.

And I noticed that along with dirt one small square plastic sheet - yellow golden colored; and a very shallow silver color metal cap got stuck to the cotton cloth.

This thin golden yellow plastic sheet is seen in your first (or second) picture. So, I assumed that the silver color metal cap must be below the golden yellow sheet.

But which side would be 'up' I could not figure out. So, I placed it such that it would look concave when looked from top (like in a cup - where you can pour say water in and it would stay in the cup). And then covered it with the golden yellow plastic sheet.

I did not dis-assemble the trackball assembly. I put back the track-ball assembly in the phone out to fear. But, now when I press the ball the click action has almost gone. I have to press very hard to click an item.

Obviously I should try to put the cup in a 'convex' portion facing up. But, I'm bit doubtful. Any suggestion?

Rajesh Kothari said...

I opened it once again. Placed the metalic leaf spring in convex position (spherical side facing up), then placed the golden yellow plastic sheet on it. Then inserted the track-ball assembly in the phone and closed the plastic ring. I'm glad to inform that 'click' feeling is back to my bb 8310. Of course, the original problem still remains i.e., north to south ball movement is not registered by the trackball. But I'm happy to make the track-ball click work like before.

Rajesh Kothari said...

In this one week I've opened the trackball 3 times because the golden color sheet is not able to keep itself (stuck or glued without anything) on top of the convex leaf spring i.e., it keeps slipping; and I guess even the leaf spring is not able to remain in its place. With the result that when I manage to put all things together, after a few clicks say 10 to 30, the click feeling comes but action ('enter' action) stops.

Any idea how to keep the leaf spring, golden sheet glued or stuck to the bottom of the blackberry's trackball reccess?

Rajesh Kothari said...

Yesterday once again I took out the trackball. Put it inside a bath of Isopropyl alcohol for about 30 min.

Then placed the metal leaf spring in the recess, covered it with the golden plastic sheet. Then I cut a thin strip of a cello tape and put it on top of the golden sheet and stuck it to the bottom part.

Then took out the trackball assembly from the bath, cleaned dry with cotton bud and re-inserted in the reccess.

The track-ball is working like a new one.

Anonymous said...

Got a new BB as a gift and trackball was very bad in north-south axis...
Followed instructions.. quite easy..
dismanteled all parts, no dirt... no kidding... it is new... (those 1$ reading glasses - +3.5 - got handy!)
First reassembly gave same result so I tried again... then I saw one of the metal sides was not exactly like the other side, delicately pryed the tiny metal wings to grab the bottom correctly, reassembled, and VOILA! It works like a new one!!! MANY THANKS for this very well documented tips!
-Bearbigbad, Laval, QC, CAN

Anonymous said...

very helpful!!! Thank you

Anonymous said...

Thanks it worked.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot it helped me out! Halveway I thought it didn't, so I ordered a new trackball, but suddenly it all fell together (as you describe in last paragraphs). Thanks!

Anonymous said...

If the cleaning is a big problem for you and it isn't working after a lot of trys just go online and look for a new trackball, theyre about 7 or 8 dollars (maybe even less) so don't worry if yuo even do snap off something in the trackball, its all replaceable. you can look up about every part on the blackberry curve and its sold. Your cell phone dealer will not replace your phone and buying a new one is a waste of money. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot. The photos and the instructions were fantastic and a big help to me. It works

Anonymous said...

Most of the time if it scrolls then it is not the trackball its the little golden square in the blackberry the "contact" or the "presser" u peel that carefully and clean it with alcohol try this guide

Doug Laney said...

My trackball wasn't clicking. I disassembled just the housing and adjusted the contact on the back of the trackball housing by bending it out slightly with a small PC screwdriver. QED.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks! The newly cleaned trackball (and parts) works like a gem. Thanks for your time in putting this post together. Very helpful! Great photos!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much fixed my problem my trackball wasnt responding just due to dirt :/ thanks again

Anonymous said...


I'm a power curve user for business. over the weekend he up movement wouldn't be registered anymore. i could have bought a new curve, but had not time. after 15min and your SUPER instruction, it's working better than ever before!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting that out there...very helpful...for whatever it is worth, I did not pull the actual trackball apart...I just soaked it, moved the trackball around alot...repeated it a bunch of times...and got most of the dirt out and it works fine....easier than breaking into all those small parts...

Anonymous said...

Great instructions!. 1 Comment, when trying to put the magnetic rubber wheels back in place after cleaning... put the metal retainer in place first, they help hold the wheels in place (magentic DUHHH!) took me a try or two to figure that out. Also remember that the plastic makes contact with the ball not the rubber so be sure to clean the white plastic well.

Anonymous said...

your instructions are GREAT but those darn magnets keep popping over and making me start over. What am I doing wrong..putting something in upside down or not putting something down first and so on? I'm a patient lady and will keep trying til I pop it in and it works but if you can just reinforce what to lay down 1st so the magnets don't flip out every time I'm almost through, I'd be SO appreciative. Now I need you for a laptop with minor problems :) that even Toshiba is trying to charge an arm and leg for when it WAS under warranty when they didn't fix their problem. ANY help on what to lay down flat 1st, 2nd, and how to keep magnets from flipping would ease my nerves. Thanks... and your pics are great. I'm just missing something along the way.

Anonymous said...

a guitar pick also works well for getting the initial ring off.

Unknown said...

Thanks dude, never thought to peel off the gold leaf, but it's fixed my hard to press ball. thanks

Anonymous said...

This was great. Thanks a lot!

Rochelle said...

thank you, thank you, thank you! this guide is great. worked perfectly.

sct said...

Great instructions, lousy user (me). In prying off the retaining ring, I broke off one of tabs. I then lost one of the rollers during the reinstall process. I've yet to find it despite the help of three other people crawling on my office floor.

RESULT: Took my trackball-less Curve 8330 to the Verizon store, which replaced the whole assembly for free (despite I was outside the warranty & I owned up to having broken it).

Per anon's answer: Yes, there are three clips on the retaining ring. Yes, I broke one off (I had two left).

Anonymous said...

it really worked, this is really explanatory....thanks but still need to clean it wit alcohol...

Brad said...

Thanks for the pics they helped visualize what i had to do beforehand.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this post. I have not been able to scroll down on my phone for almost 2 months and fine when I got fed up I went onto google and found this blog. Thanks so much you just saved me $50 for a replacement.

Jennelle Crothers said...

Great instructions... saved me from having to order a new BB for someone in my office.

Anonymous said...

ok i think i did it wrong fixed the problem of it being dirty now the directions are wrong ie left and right = up and down

and up and down = left and right

Anonymous said...

Thank you AWESOME pics woked great.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the detailed pix. Simply using the You Tube video or will not get those eentsy weentsy itsy bitsy magnetic rollers clean.

Holy Moly - Be prepared - have a hands free magnifying glass, non-magnetic pointy thing (guitar pick in the YouTube vid), small fingers, tweezers or a small Kelly clamp to grip stuff, non-shedding Q-tips (mine shed, sucking cotton into the trackball before I realized the rollers were the problem and popped the back).

Remember (again from YouTube) the fat part of the teardrop points down and the metal clip that its plastic tab fits into is one of the "T" clips. Bon Chance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tutorial. My trackball is as good as new now!

Anonymous said...

Awesome post!!! I was so scared to ruin my trackball...It works PERFECTLY now. :) Thank you thank you thank you! Its not as hard as it looks, just make sure you note what position everything is in before you take stuff apart.

Anonymous said...

complete step by step,great research. fyi there is another way to fix this sticky unscrollable blackberry trackball without disassembling, refer to here:

Anonymous said...

sorry but i wanna fix my prev comment, the right url is sorry for the mistake, i just recheck my favorite bookmark and find the mistaken url. thx alot. happy to share with u.

Thomas said...

Thank you so much! This worked perfectly and the detailed pictures definitely made the process ten times easier.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!!! After picking this thing up numerous times with dirt on my hands, I thought I was screwed! It really helped out. Great descriptions and pictures as well :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks this really helps, but i can't seem to place the top thing with the clips back on. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Great description! Thanks so much... VP was ready to order a whole new BB until I got the debris off one roller. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, this helped out a lot! I had to double check myself when I put the housing back together, I ended up taking it a part again. But, I did have it correct to begin with haha. Ball rolls perfectly now, no sticking what-so-ever. I made my gf's day :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the step by step instructions. Great post! I do have a couple of tips:

1. As much as it is a pain, I would recommend removing the metal retaining clip from the plastic ball cup.

2. Since magnets are involved, I would also use plastic tweezers.

Both the above tips help to deal with the four small positional rollers with magnets. Once I took off the metal clip, I had no problem getting the rollers to stay in place.

p.s. I can't believe the amount of "gunk" I found inside!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for the instructions...My Blackberry is working alot better now.
Excellent job!

GrandeMocha said...

You are a lifesaver! My husband took my trackball out of my Blackberry to clean it & couldn't figure out how to get it back together.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH! It was definitely easier to take it apart than put it back together. It got a bit dicey at the end there, but the plastic piece finally snapped into place just like you said. The trackball is working great now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your detailed info and photos. Removed a piece of lint that was wound around my bottom roller and solved my problem.

tylerkeen said...

Thanks for all of the positive feedback. Sorry I suck for not enabling notifications for comments. I never knew so many people actually had commented until today. I kinda fell off the map and didn't update my blog for some time.